
The easiest way to install Rumba is through pip. Rumba can be found on the PyPi and can thus be installed through pip.

$ pip install rumba

Rumba supports both Python 2 and 3.

For Debian and Ubuntu, the following command will ensure that the required dependencies are installed (replace python-dev with python3-dev if using Python 3):

$ apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev

To install the latest version from source, clone the repository and install it from the command line:

$ python install

Generating the documentation

To generate the documentation, make sure that you have installed Rumba. Then, run the following command in the root folder of the repository:

$ sphinx-build doc/ public/

This will generate HTML pages in the public/ folder. Other output formats are possible by using a different ‘builder’, the following command would for instance generate LaTeX files:

$ sphinx-build -b latex doc/ latex/